Monday, December 14, 2009

Class Reflection

Taking Composition 105 paired with Professor Lunn’s LIBS class is possibly the best decision that I have made in my college career so far. I have learned that my experience, especially in Composition 105, is one that I would not trade for anything. This class explored writing in many different forms. We even took the leap into visual literacy and various course readings. If given the choice to choose, I would say that my three favorite things about this class were blogging, The Book Thief, and the visual literacy project.

When I first heard that we had to blog in this class, I have to admit that I was not overjoyed. In high school, I was required to do the same thing in an English class, and it’s safe to say that I did not enjoy it that much. Something must have happened between then and now because today, I actually kind of like it. I do not really remember what the exact instructions were for us in high school, but I remember that the blogs were extremely hard to write. In this class, the requirements were totally different. Of course we had a couple of assigned blogs, but the rest was up to us. I could pretty much write about whatever I wanted which was fun as well as a relief.

Secondly, The Book Thief is now one of my favorite books. I’m almost sorry to say that I am one of those people who do not want to read unless it is required of me. It is not that often that I have the chance to read a book that is extremely hard to put down. I got really excited while reading it and went through all of the emotions that I would if I was watching a movie. I was so sad to see it end and consciously read slow as I was nearing the end. Perhaps I will even read it again in my spare time (a shock to anyone who really knows me).

Third, I have to say that the inclusion of the visual literacy project as a course requirement was a genius move. I am really into film and music so I had the best time trying to pick the best song to go along with a perfect project topic. I was really scared that I did something wrong when it came to my concept. Then, I was surprised to find out that my project was actually liked by a couple of people. The class YouTube account, for everyone’s video, was also a nice touch.

Overall, this was a really good class for me. I can honestly say that I have come a long way from the girl who could not find the classroom on the first day. My writing has also come to a place where I see myself getting better and better at it. I have no choice when it comes to the decision of ever writing again, but I can say that I will be more confident going into it.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Last Show

I'm kinda sad right now because the play that I was working on just had its last show today. I remember being nervous coming into it just to find out that everyone was cool. It was especially interesting because I found out that I had ties to a couple of the cast members. I'll miss clownin' with the fellas backstage. I had to come home to some homework instead of going out, but I hope to see everybody again. Perfect cast, crew, and good times. ;)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Worst Day of My Life

This has been the worst day ever!!!! My laptop, which carried my Comp 105 and LIBS class papers (not to mention all of my music, pictures, etc.), decided that today would be the day to quit on me. I've never wanted to harm an object so bad in my life. It wouldn't start up so I had to go take it and get it fixed only to find out that it will take days for a repair. Writing Professor Lunn's paper from scratch, again, is currently not my favorite thing in the world. Neither is losing all the work I did for the I-Search paper. Here's me hoping for my computers' speedy recovery... or else!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

End of Semester Work Load

Things on my plate at the moment:

- Comp 105 final paper and porfolio
- Professor Lunn's 5-7 page paper
- Philosophy paper and quiz
- Sociology presentation/ book to complete
- 6-12 page paper for History and quiz tomorro
- Stage manager for play which starts performances this week
*I wish I had a clone right about now.*

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Yea!!!! I finally saw snow this weekend. Yes, I am the crazy person who loves snow. I'm always the one to jump for joy because we are expected to receive six or more inches of this freezing goodness. Everyone else I know, except school kids trying to get the day off, looks at it as a death sentence---as if life doesn't start up again until March. I, on the other hand, will be loving every minute of driving through snow showers and having surprise "snow war" attacks with the neighborhood kids. Except for the loss of feeling in numerous body parts because of the freezing cold, winter can be fun right? I can sense the shaking of heads and the longing for spring colors.

Old Dogs

Contrary to my previous New Moon experience, I actually had a good one going to see Old Dogs. It is a Disney movie starring John Travolta and Robin Williams among others. It is rare for my mom to want to see a movie so when she begged me to go, I went. The movie was actually funny, but the funniest thing was watching my mom throughout the whole thing. She has this thing about laughing at things that no one else sees as funny. She was laughing from beginning to end and it was high-larious. When she started to turn red and tear up a little, we both broke out in hysterical laughter. I should have filmed it. Any other time she would have been sleep from the start of the previews all the way up to the end credits.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

New Moon

Seeing the new edition to the Twilight saga, New Moon, was actually one of the worst experiences that I have ever had in a movie theater. My sister and a friend decided to buy me a ticket to the midnight opening of the film. I had never been to a sold out first showing of a movie, so I thought that it would be fun. I was wrong. It was so crowded, twenty minutes before the movie was about to start, that we all had to sit apart. Because of the kind of showing that it was, there were like thirty minutes of extra commercials. When the movie did finally start, people started screaming and giving high fives. The noise didn't just end there though. Every time a shirt was taken off or something else happened, there was that same noise again. I found myself trying to block out the noise for the bulk of the time instead of paying great attention to the film. So, I have no other choice than to see it again, but I'm gonna wait until the buzz mellows out.