Sunday, October 11, 2009

American Hatred

I just got done reading a book for another class called Arc of Justice. It is about racism in the north, but primarily in Detroit during the 1920's. It follows the life of Ossian Sweet and his family. In 1925, blacks were primarily living in "Black Bottom" and were not welcome in the so-called white neighborhoods. When Ossian decided to go against the grain, there were hundreds of angry people outside of his house. Himself, his wife, and ten other men (friends and family) were stuck in the house while people outside were throwing rocks and breaking windows. One of the men, Ossian's brother, shot a gun and ended up killing one of the people outside, and they were taken to jail soon after. The rest of the story dealt with the nationally covered case "The People v. Sweet." It continually amazes me when I learn about the amount of hatred that existed and still exist in this country. Overall, it was a pretty good book with the exception of some dry spots (expected from a history book).

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