Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Book Thief Ending

So, I'm kind of mad at the ending of The Book Thief. More specifically, I'm upset that there was not more to the story when Liesel and Max saw each other again. His coming back was a shock in itself, but it left me wanting more. So now, I've just been coming up with possible scenarios for the two of them. Even though he is older than her, maybe they got married and had those kids that Death was talking about. That's how I like to see it anyway. What do you think happened to Max and Liesel?


  1. Well the ending left me in a tizzy too. I was so upset! I wanted so much more. In my mind,, I agree with you. Max and Liesel are a couple and those kids Death nochalantly mentions, are theirs. I'm a sucker for happy endings especially if they're romantic. :)

  2. I'm there with you. I was (and am!) hoping that Max and Liesel got married..but that is just the hopeless romantic in me. Why didn't Zusak just tell us. I think he played a very cruel trick on us!
