Thursday, November 19, 2009

Overdue Presentation Response

While trying to figure out what I should blog about next, I just realized that I never wrote a response to Dr. Sid Bolkosky's presentation. Epic FAIL!! Anyways, this is tragic because I really enjoyed the lecture that he gave us about the Holocaust. One of the most interesting points that he made was about the many ordinary people that were involved. When I think about the villains of the Holocaust, I automatically refer to the Nazi soldiers and the like. What Dr. Bolkosky did was take something as important as the railroad system and brake it down to give us another point of view. He talked about the conditions that the Holocaust victims had to endure being transported to the various concentration camps. He also gave me a new realization of how many people it took to make everything run smoothly. From the smallest to the most hands on, a lot of people were involved, and many were ordinary citizens. How could these occurrences have happened without the ordinary citizens, many of whom could smell the smoke, raising questions or giving any opposition? Overall, Dr. Bolkosky's lecture was very informative, and as a result, I've learned a lot from him.

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